Used to introduce a pull like behavior in the model by letting a demand limit the production flow. The Demand will block entrances of variants without demand at the connected flow objects. The Demand is set in the Creation setting just as how it is done on the Source object. The demand could be applied/satisfied at one or more locations in a production flow. Important statistics include backlog and tardiness.
The Demand is used by simply connecting it with flow objects in the model. A connection from the Demand object to a flow object will ensure that no entries of variants without demand are allowed at that flow object.
Note: The Demand connected flow objects as well as the Demand object itself must be on the same level in the model, e.g. connections can't be made into a Component.
Note: The Demand object can ideally be placed after a Store and in that way have the Store satisfy its demand, see example below.
Note: Demand for assembled parts should be specified using the assembly identity of the assembled parts, see assembly identity for more details.

The settings of the Demand are listed below along with a short description and possibly a link to a more detailed description about the setting.
Setting |
Description |
Name |
Sets the name of the object. |
Location |
Displays the location of the object. |
Creation ↑ |
Contains information about how and when the demand of different variants should occur. A detailed description about the creation setting can be found here. |
Use units |
If True this demand will consume units instead of variants. Default value False. |
Delete variant |
Decides whether or not variants should be deleted once all units have been consumed. Requires that 'Use units' is active. |
Disturbances |
A detailed description about disturbances can be found here.
Timetable |
If the object follows a certain Timetable it will be shown here. The input-field has a drop-down containing all timetables in the model as well as an option none. Using this drop-down it is possible to select a different timetable or remove the timetable from the object by selecting none.
User attributes |
Lists all attributes that the user has added to the object. See User attributes for more details. |