The output Occupation describes in percent how much each Buffer, Store and Conveyor in the model is used over time. The image below shows an example where the first buffer, Buffer1, is used approximately 93 %, i.e. on average that buffer contains 1.86 variants/products since 93 % of its capacity 2 is 1.86.
The occupation information can for example be used to detect buffers/stores that are porly used. Porly used might be that the buffer/store is always full and probably infront of a bottleneck and likely unnecessary large (as long as nothing is done to reduce the bottleneck) or always empty and hence not necessary.
The occupation of an object is calculated as the sum of all variants(/products) individual times on that object (called dwelling time) divided by the capacity of the object and the statistical simulation time (Simulation Horizon - Warm-Up1). Perhaps better explained by the formula below.
∑nDwelling_Time_Variantn_on_i |
Occupationi | = |
, ∀ i ∈ B, (B = All buffers/stores) and where n ∈ V, (V = All variants) |
Capacityi⋅(Simulation Horizon - Warm-Up1) |

Result chart
The Results view displays all occupations side by side in a barchart. Details about navigating these charts can be found here.
- Simulation Horizon and Warm-Up are described under Simulation settings.