Welcome to FACTS Analyzer

FACTS Analyzer is a software used for simulation and optimization of new factory or production concepts in early development phases. The acronym FACTS stands for Factory Analysis in ConcepTual phases using Simulation. Results from simulations, likely with optimization, is supposed to be used as a decision support when different concepts are evaluated against one another. FACTS Analyzer can also provide extensive knowledge and insight about manufacturing and production control in general.

What's new?

Note: Important features of major and minor versions are listed below and for more detailed information about all updates see the Change log.


Version 3.1 of FACTS Analyzer brings the following new features.

Version 3.0 of FACTS Analyzer brings the following new features.

Version 2.8 of FACTS Analyzer brings the following new features.

Version 2.7 of FACTS Analyzer brings the following new features.

Version 2.6 of FACTS Analyzer brings a lot of new functionality. Among the most important ones are:

Version 2.5 of FACTS Analyzer brings a lot of new functionality. Among the most important ones are:

Version 2.0 of FACTS Analyzer brought a lot of new functionality. Among the most important ones were:

Getting started ...