FACTS Analyzer is a software used for simulation and optimization of new factory or production concepts in early development phases. The acronym FACTS stands for Factory Analysis in ConcepTual phases using Simulation. Results from simulations, likely with optimization, is supposed to be used as a decision support when different concepts are evaluated against one another. FACTS Analyzer can also provide extensive knowledge and insight about manufacturing and production control in general.
What's new?
>Note: Important features of major and minor versions are listed below and for more detailed information about all updates see the Change log.
Version 3.1 of FACTS Analyzer brings the following new features.
- It is now possible to add background images to models.
New functionality added:
- The 'Accumulating'-setting of the Source-object can prevent it from accumulating entities that should have been created when it wasn't operational (i.e. failed, paused or unplanned).
- The 'Complete batch'-setting of the Batch-logic allows it to start a batch before all needed entities are available.
- The 'Use units'-setting of the Demand-logic will make it consume units instead of entities.
- Support for both disturbances and Timetables was added to the Demand-logic.
- Failure type CYCLES was added to disturbances to model lossed incurred after a certain number of entities are processed.
- The 'Batch Table'-setting of the Variants table allows the Source-object and the Demand-logic to create the entire table at the same time (i.e. at each Interval).
- Made it possible to change the database through the Tools->Options-dialog enabling better management and sharing of results from different projects.
Version 3.0 of FACTS Analyzer brings the following new features.
- New object Resource.
- New feature Input Data Interface for a smart mapping of model settings to an external data source, e.g. Microsoft Excel.
- Added support for multiple levels of improvements to Setup SCORE.
- New platform for running optimizations including a new data base structure. An import is needed to view old experiments and optimizations.
Version 2.8 of FACTS Analyzer brings the following new features.
- Added support for integer and real model variables, for use in settings directly or possibly as part of a formula similar to that of objectives.
- New synchronized processing functionality added to Parallel Operation.
Version 2.7 of FACTS Analyzer brings the following new features.
- New object Parallel Operation.
- New setting User attributes.
Version 2.6 of FACTS Analyzer brings a lot of new functionality. Among the most important ones are:
- New object Conveyor.
- New object Facade.
- New object Order.
- New settings Length, Width, and Units for Variants.
- New 'wild card' Variant named Any Variant.
- Destination disassembly, No disassembly, and Overtake support for the Disassembly.
- Force assembly setting added to the Assembly object and new assembly options Unit, Area, and Generic Assembly added to the Assembly tables.
- New logic object called Failure Zone that is used for linking disturbances between objects.
- Added support for Multiple Disturbances.
Version 2.5 of FACTS Analyzer brings a lot of new functionality. Among the most important ones are:
- Weights on connections, used together with new Exit strategies.
- Automatic setup of SCORE optimization.
- Breakpoints
Version 2.0 of FACTS Analyzer brought a lot of new functionality. Among the most important ones were:
Getting started ...
- Start by familiarizing your self with the Work Flow of FACTS Analyzer.
- It is also a good idea to learn a bit about the objects used for building models in FACTS Analyzer.